To Delete Press – Sandra 22

[For back story go here: Story so far at 27 July 2020 especially this one.]

[Relevant back story links also within text.]

Welcome to your answerphone service. You have seventeen messages. Message one.

“Hey you, it’s me, Trinny. Look don’t worry, it was fine. It was hilarious. It was just what we needed I reckon to promote the brand and in any case no one will remember it in a week’s time or so. So don’t worry honestly. Just don’t. I think you coped really really well. And the recipe was still delicious when you described it after. Look give us a ring asap - need to discuss how to get more people to interact with the app rather than just look at the kittens. Byeeee!”

To listen to this message again, press 1. To delete press 2. To [button 2 pressed]. Message two.

“Hello Sandy. It’s your mother here. Lovely to see you on TV the other day. Was that all meant to happen? I can’t think that you didn’t mean it to, everything you do you do so well. Your dad’s printed out a picture of you on it, by the way and he’s going to get it framed. There’s you in the far right and that Paul far left. Oh, he’s a lovely man, isn’t he? Anyway, just so you know, Xanadu was your Uncle Rory’s suggestion. We don’t know where he got it from either but we liked it and…. There you are. Well, there your middle name is, isn’t it? Paul’s a lovely man – is he lovely in real life too? I expect you’ll be seeing more of him now, eh? Or would like to? Give me a call when you can. Lots of love now. Yes, Eric, I told her it was Rory/”

To listen to this message again, press 1. To delete press 2. To [button 2 pressed]. Message three.

“Oh, darling – me again – Trinny. Look, did you get Paul’s number at all? Just wondering, no real reason and you probably didn’t so don’t worry. Byeeee!”

To listen to this message again, press 1. To delete press 2. To [button 2 pressed]. Message four.

“Hi. I know you probably don’t want to hear from me and maybe what I did on the phone-in was a bit, I don’t know, strange, but you need to/“

[Button 2 pressed]. Message five.

“Hello, Amanda Davy here. We spoke last week about the possibility of taking up a bit of marketing work from you as things were sort of picking up a little bit here. Um, I’m afraid things have now changed a little bit now, this week. Um, we just had a quick meeting and it appears the budget I thought we had really, um, we don’t particularly have really. Someone made an error – at our end of course, entirely our fault so, yes, we’ll keep you in mind but we won’t be taking this further currently. Many thanks.”

To listen to this message again, press 1. To delete press 2. To [button 2 pressed]. Message six.

Sandra hit pause for a moment. Her curtains were still drawn and all she’d managed so far was a glass of water to take the dryness of the night away. But the night had been quite a few hours away now. She wondered if she should find something to eat and drink before carrying on with this. Just to give her the energy to get through. She decided she couldn’t face the kitchen though. Or any more light.

Message six.

“Look, I am sorry, but please, just give me a ring and we’ll/“

[Button 2 pressed]. Message seven.

“Hi Sandra, Daniel here. Long short story. I seem to have got my job back again. Not certain how it happened – well, I sort of do know how it happened but you wouldn’t believe it and I’m not certain I believe it either. Anyway, it’s a kind of promotion for me and I need some ideas and thoughts and really someone I can bounce ideas off. Strange and sometimes stupid ideas – and someone who won’t just laugh at the ideas and stuff. So, yeah, how about it? Give me a call back and let me know.”

To listen to this message again, press 1. To delete press 2. To save press 3 [button 3 pressed]. 

Sandra was thinking coffee might actually be a nice thing to drink again. It was mid-afternoon, it couldn’t do any harm and she was, after all, already awake. And then, when she felt the time was ready, she could get back in touch with Daniel and see what they might be able to sort out.

Message eight.

“Sandy – it’s your mum again. Uncle Rory said he saw a film called Xanadu and that’s where it comes from. But you won’t believe this, Aunt Flo says she never saw the film with him which he says she did so now they’ve fallen out and aren’t speaking. Flo says she won’t again until he apologises and tells her who he went with. Can you believe it? Must be years ago! I don’t know, some people. Anyway, call me when you can.”

Sandra smiled and continued.
