Jump Cuts


For the past year The Secret Fictitious Covid Diaries has tracked the lives of five characters (plus supporting cast) as they deal with the impact of Covid-19. Here are some swift links to entertaining/interesting/different entires:

Farce - Lost in Space (Jenny tries to manage Frankie’s kids and social distancing while Frankie works) 

Montage Sequence - Montage Sequence (Daniel sorely misses his daughter

Virtual Reality - The Art of It (Daniel explores the virtual dating space of their app) 

Play Script - Stage Fright (Daniel and his daughter pitch for an ad

Film Rushes - Rushes (What filmmaker Mike MacCabe got for Wayne’s film

Press Coverage - Read all about it (Wayne is given a tabloid write-up) 

Lyrics - Wayne Sings (Wayne’s song) 

Fight and Sudden Death - Way on Down (Jaggers goes over the top in Bentley’s flat) 

A Zoom Birthday - Celebration time c’mon (Sandra attends her nieces’ birthday) 

A Low - Box Set (Sandra loses track of everything) 

Lockdown - Action Stasis January 4th 2021

Special Weeks:

Chase week begins here

Back story week begins here

Monologue week begins here
