Admission - Bit Part 5 - Sandra 65

[For a quick guide go here: Quick guide.]

[Old back story is here: Story so far at 30 Nov 2020 and other episodes especially this one.]

[Other back story through in-links.]

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Anything and everything was fair game as far of Trinny was concerned. Whether it was delivering an interview which over-hyped what she had achieved and what Together… Apart did whilst diminishing her competitors, whether it was naming a product specifically so that it showed up earlier in an A-Z listing (she was still smarting from not winning the argument to call the app Apart… Together), whether it was concocting a story which outlined her own amazing start-up life and even if this story was removed from the truth, she didn’t care. She knew what her customers wanted, she knew how to trigger interest, she knew how to switch people on.

Instagram posts were carefully considered. The right content going to the right account, but only after meticulously putting everything through several filters. She’d even effectively put her text contributions through the same sleek glamorous lifestyle filters to ensure anyone who stumbled across her, or sought her out would want to be aligned with everything she said, did, thought, desired. Everything was done with a swathe of style, goodwill and the occasional really bad joke.

Except for that one time. 

Flint was a great godfather to have. She had sensed his protective and paternalistic instinct early on. His willingness to be close to her and apparent need to understand what she was up to and whether there was anything that required his help was sweet at first, then became annoying and finally became incredibly useful. It was fine for him to tell her how much he cared, but it was even better that he could put – practically anything – where his mouth was. He wouldn’t just tell her he cared and wanted the best for her, he absolutely made sure the best did come for her. So much so that she knew she had to hold him back.

Except for that one time.

Trinny was trying to start-up a bath products company. She had luxurious suppliers, luxurious marketing materials and a luxurious name in a luxurious font. And then someone started using the same name in a similar font for similar purposes. Trinny could have accepted this as lawful, healthy competition, although even if she had she would still have launched the same not so lawful and decidedly unhealthy response.

And even she admitted that she was laying it on a bit thick when she told her story to Flint, somehow managing to make the tears roll down her cheeks and her voice choking over the syllables as she tried so hard to show how accepting she was of this infringement on her business. And she was even trying to stop Flint from doing anything to help her, because, lets face it that really wouldn’t be the right thing to do. Even though it was fairly impossible now to just fight back through the power of her own products and company, given that this person had effectively stolen both.

Unwillingly she sent Flint the details of the person she thought was already ripping off her idea, along with several emojis including angry faces, thunder clouds, lightening and money. Flint sent her one back with a hand making an OK sign. She wrote another text telling him not to do anything drastic, that she was sure everything would be alright and she really didn’t mean to be such a pain of a goddaughter to have. But looking back she wasn’t certain she pressed the send button before deleting the missive.

A few days later she received an email from her adversary saying their business venture was all over. Trinny went round to Flint’s to say thank you. (Going round to people’s homes was something she did in those days, before doing so could trigger arrest or potential deaths, and before Trinny herself became an entirely online presence).

“Apparently I’ll not be troubled by him any more,” said Trinny, happily. “Not sure what you did or anything but he says he’s really sorry and now he has a few other things to think about. Says he needs to take more time to look after himself.”

“That’s nice,” said Flint. “Looking after yourself is important.”

“Yeah,” said Trinny. “Perhaps he’ll start a wellbeing ‘look after yourself’, get spiritual kind of a thing. That would be nice, wouldn’t it? To think something good came out of it.”

“Yes,” said Flint. “That would be nice.”

“Anyway,” said Trinny. “Thanks for your help.”

“It was no problem,” smiled Flint, placing what appeared to be a large hammer back into his cabinet.
