Emoji-nal Rescue – Sandra 10
[For back story go here: Story so far at 12 June 2020 ]
They were outside and together and it was sort of amazing. Sort of, because while they were in the same space in the same park they were still observing the two metre rule (unlike the vast majority of people who were also in the park) and sort of because despite being able to see each other face to face, Sandra and Trinny still spent a lot of the time either looking at their phones or looking at each other looking at their phones. Or the third state of being which was looking at things on each other's phone while that phone was being waved in the air.
While some may have thrown their arms in the air over this flagrant squandering of the special time together that the two friends now had, they realised that even if they were able to sit in close proximity of each other there were others who still could not. Childcare, elderly care, social and frankly anti-social bubbling rules meant that they were still in constant touch with those who were still behind closed doors and may as we'll be locked behind those doors. This wasn't freedom really, just a different version of restrictions, juggled, meddled with slightly, left open to interpretation and even when they both said they didn't 'have' anything they might never be far away from someone who might have met someone who might have met someone who might 'have' something.
"Oh, they're splitting up," said Trinny suddenly.
“What – who?” said Sandra.
"Phil and Nell," said Trinny.
"Oh!" said Sandra, sounding a little too relieved, and then to cover herself: "Oh no!"
“Who were you thinking about?”
“No one," said Sandra. "Phil and Nell have been together for years. You wouldn't have thought. Still I suppose it's different when you're stuck together. Who's going to get the house?"
"She doesn't know yet."
"They don't have kids, right?"
"No. Guinea pigs."
“Oh, what’ll they do..?"
"She doesn't know yet. They’re going to discuss it later."
"When did this happen?"
"Just now," said Trinny. "She's messaging from the back bedroom. She's moved in there. They had an argument that started an hour ago and now they've decided to do this."
"So she's got the back bedroom? That's not fair – I thought her dad gave them the deposit?"
"Yeah, but she’s always hated the way they decorated the main bedroom so maybe that's it. Doubt if either of them can afford to move out altogether to be honest. Great isn’t it? Break up and then decide where to live according to the wallpaper."
"Wouldn't want to live in a back bedroom though."
"It's en suite," noted Trinny. "Stick in a microwave and a dishwasher and you're probably fine for a week or so without seeing anyone."
Sandra had discussed Together...Apart with Trinny and unsurprisingly Trinny was all over it with a rash of emoji stickers. This was, she said, precisely what her crack team of programmers had been looking for. Pure inspiration for them to flesh out and code up. Not only was this the best idea since the invention of the Internet, it was going to be a revolution, using every last bit of tech they could think of to bring people Apart... Together (they still hadn't worked out which way round the tag line should run).
Drawing on the best of AI and intuition, facial recognition and even vocal recognition the hub of this app already included a video link, document and picture sharing area to ensure everyone got exactly who they wanted and how they wanted them. The model was flexible enough to still be relevant as lockdown restrictions were removed and could be geographically linked in order to offer users local advice on what they could and couldn't do.
Time was definitely of the essence and Sandra had already planned and replanned the launch party three times over – the first time Trinny pointed out that the principles of social distancing would probably still be in force and get in the way of a full blown reception with cocktails do. Sandra said she doubted that and then Trinny said if they weren't then the idea would be pretty dead in the water.
"Well at least there's one silver lining in all this," said Trinny.
"What's that?" asked Sandra.
"We'll can test the app on Nell first."
Sandra looked disapprovingly at her. "That's a bit insensitive, don't you think?"
Trinny waved her phoned at her, "She's already agreed," she said, showing her a string of smiley faces.
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