Someone Like(s) You – Wayne 11

[For back story go here: Story so far at 12 June 2020 and more recents Wayne episodes]

“A guitar? An acoustic guitar? Are you out of your mind? You’re ManzDown not..  not…”

“John Denver?”

“Ed Sheeran – who the hell’s John Denver?”

“Classic American singer songwriter. Haven’t you heard Annie’s Song?”

“Annie’s Song? I thought you said his name was John?”

Wayne had thought that the interview he had last week alongside BarnStormerz had gone quite well on the whole. But then he was basing his assessment on having got out a few vital pieces of information to people rather than actually creating a piece of media which the world outside could listen to.

He had been worried about revealing his friendship and love for Dave. However his coming out had just sort of come out and aside from a few raised eyebrows he was pleased his music friends now knew and he wouldn’t have to be euphemistic about his new partner. Now that the Stormerz knew the information would run through the scene without Wayne having to do much about it. He wasn’t kidding himself that this wasn’t going to be difficult or that he’d find people deserting him or at least treating him differently. There’d be questions to answer and statements to make further down the line, but it was done now and those actions were to come, the big action had already been taken.

And they liked the whole roulade thing and maybe in the fullness of time it might get him a place on a celebrity Bake Off programme or two – like the ones he and Dave sat in front of occasionally and entirely slated (part for the food, part for Paul Hollywood’s hair and attire). The only massive sticking point for Wayne in his particular scene was the guitar, but he wasn’t going to let go of that right now.

“I don’t need to go over the recording to know I can’t use it,” said Cath, who had replaced her coca-cola drowned computer within 24 hours of the fateful conversation. “No one answered my questions, your friend Dave interrupted all over the place and from what I can gather your amazing roulade made BarnStormerz completely forget they were talking to the masses and not just to their mates down the club.”

“I think there are a couple of good soundbites in there,” began Wayne, “and I reckon I can combine what I’m doing with the guitar into some really good…”

“You said you were doing cover versions,” said Cath. “Of who exactly, who are you covering?”

“It’s not official,” said Wayne in a smaller voice. “It was only for practice. Mainly.”

“Whose music are you playing?”

“Well, it’s kind of a busker’s guide to well known people…”


“Justin Bieber, U2, there was an Adele track and…”

Cath hung up.

“She doesn’t appreciate that you get a kick out of a good tune,” said Dave as they sat together on his sofa. “You don’t need to just plough one furrow of musical genre. What you’ve always done is take the good stuff from what you find and combine it to make something else. Something special, unique and genius.”

“Thanks,” said Wayne, “Although to be honest I just wanted to play that version of Born This Way because of the tricky chord rhythm.”

Dave hugged Wayne in closer by the shoulder, “That’s my boy,” he said. “Powered by a challenge.”

The last ten day's cultural intake had given Wayne a lot to think about. His general feelings of well being had led him this far but he knew there was a bigger story. Dave was a gentle and diligent mentor and mainly the best person Wayne had ever met. Any other year and Dave would have taken Wayne off to the parade to celebrate with everyone else – although Wayne also realised that his public profile might have made that problematic, and the last thing he wanted to be was the story rather than hearing the story.

And so the two shared documentaries, social histories, celebratory shows, and half a dozen zoom calls during which Dave introduced Wayne to his friends and family. Wayne wanted to do the same, but knew that right now wasn’t the right time. It was the start of an exciting and challenging journey and it was the right journey for him to take. He was a little confused if he were honest. But his life had always had a tendency to lurch in different directions and he usually knew when it was right, and this, with Dave, was right.

“Write a song about it,” said Dave.

“Yeah,” said Wayne. “Might just do that.”
