Bubble Machine – Wayne 9

[For back story go here: Story so far at 12 June 2020 ]

"So, what do think?"

Wayne didn't know what to think but didn't want to let on. Especially as he didn't think he entirely understood what was being asked of him.

“Bubble?" He said again.

"Yes, that's right. I mean, I'm single, you're single – I assume – sorry that’s an assumption but it doesn't sound like..?"

"No, no there isn't anybody…”

"And I thought we'd get on much better if we were – closer."

Wayne shook his head. "So you and me ‘bubble’ and then?"

"It means we can be in the same space together and – I can stay the night, should, if we want to you know..."

"And what happens if one of us has got something – or gets something since everyone's heading off to the shops and stuff now?"

"Oh, then we have go back to quarantine away from everyone else again."

"But we're not seeing anyone else at the moment anyway..."

"No but –“

"And do you quarantine at my place or me at yours or what?"

"I – either, or both, or neither – I don't think that bit matters much."

"'Look," sighed Wayne. “Let me think about it –“

“Oh, so you need to think about it – what the..?"

"No one's ever asked me to bubble with them before!" protested Wayne, "I don't just want to bubble with anyone."

"I'm not just anyone!'

"I know that but – you're not the only one, are you? Fine, so no one else has asked me yet but that's not to say...  What if one of my other PAs want to bubble?"

"As if!” scoffed Cath across the video link, “I reckon they’ve been dumped – you heard anything from them?"

"And my mum – I could visit my mum!"

“You want to bubble with your mum?"


Cath sighed. “Well it’s your decision, I can’t force you to bubble with me if you don’t want to but I’m just saying it would make life easier for us both. We can collaborate. I can take pictures and get them out there quicker and get some real momentum behind this. ManzDown in Lockdown – heaven’s sake the hashtag writes itself.”

“But we’re already doing this, aren’t we?”

“We’re doing some of it. Yes, it’s not bad and we’ve got some traction, but we need more. Especially with BarnStormerz doing their stuff.”

“Oh, here we go…”

“Here we go what?”

“Whenever you want something you go and throw them at me. BarnStormerz did this, BarnStormerz did that, have you seen the graphic they made, have you heard that track…”

“The record label will be…”

“The record label needs to remember who started this scene!” Wayne shot back. “I don’t care what BarnStormerz have or haven’t done I’m not them and they’re not me. End of.”

There was an electronic chime in the background. Both Cath and Wayne almost ignored it and then Wayne excused himself as there was something he was cooking in the oven that needed to come out right now.

“Was it, OK?” asked Cath, more conciliatory when he returned.

“Yeah,” said Wayne shortly.

“What… what is it?”

“Just… something I’m working on.”

“Can you take a picture when it’s..?”

“It’s a soufflé OK? A soufflé. "And no you can’t have a picture.”

“How’s the song writing going?” asked Cath. “Any inspiration?”

“A bit,” admitted Wayne. “It’s, it’s different stuff.”

“Sounds good.”

“Yeah, should be. I mean, it’s early days and stuff. Bit of a break away from the usual, you know. Maybe a bit more, I dunno, a bit more ‘real’.”

“Like it, sounds good. You got all your stuff set up and programming, then?”

“Sort of, yeah.”

“Any idea when they’ll be something I can hear and share? I mean, even work in progress would be great. The record label will…”

“I not doing it for the label,” said Wayne, almost wistfully.

Cath sensed she wasn’t going to get any further today so brought the call to a close, asking Wayne to think about the bubble again.

Wayne waited a few respectful moments (mainly to check the airway was clear) before snatching up his phone and dashing to the kitchen. There he took several shots of his culinary excellence before video calling Dave.

“Look at it!” he practically screamed in excitement. “It rose! It did it! It’s still doing it! It looks…”

“…amazing.” said Dave, seriously impressed.

“…just like it does in the picture!”

“Did Cath like it?” asked Dave.

“I didn’t tell her about it.”

“Did you tell her about the guitar?”

“No, no. She was going on about bubbling with me.”

“Oh,” Dave said. “and you’ve definitely not told her about us.”
