Ms Brightside – Sandra 46


[For back story go here: Story so far at 30 Nov 2020 and more recent Sandra episodes especially this one.]

[Other back story through in-links.]

Sandra had disappeared down a rabbit hole.

Having determined that she wouldn't actually try out the Virtual Reality technology part of Together... Apart she had started thinking to herself about all the other applications of VR that she could see happening in her life. The virtual press conference was an obvious choice. No matter where press or experts were they could be face to face, challenging each other, discussing topics in a way that zoom made, well, flat.

Not only that but if necessary the entire press conference could be uprooted and re-situated at an appropriate location where those in attendance could learn more. Why discuss the ports, the lorries, the incredibly over-priced containers when you could whisk everybody away to look at them right where they were? Why spend ages trying to explain the intricacies of the import/export paperwork when a carefully prepared sub-routine could put the papers in front of everyone, sheet by sheet.

"Steady on," said Bill, as she enthused at him about it over coffee and video link, "You'll do us out of a job."

"Don't see how," said Sandra. "We still need to bring people together."

"Yeah," said Bill, "But what if they say the wrong thing. And do we get to write anything anymore?"

Sandra felt she was just getting started, but then she got a call from Trinny which sort of took the wind out of her sails.

"The writing's on the wall, isn't it," said Trinny.

"What do you mean?"

"I give Together.. Apart another four months, six on the outside and then we're done for."

Trinny was perhaps the only person Sandra could imagine was actually glum about the route out of lockdown news. There was a sense of optimism about the world, so Sandra thought, reflected by the better weather today and made real by the new found clarity she seemed to have as she looked over the press and the stories that passed over her desk. Even Bill had failed to get her down.

"It just sucks," said Trinny. "Just when you think you've found the ideal answer to a locked down life someone comes along and spoils it all."

"Spoils it all," repeated Sandra, deadpan, "With their pesky good health and protection against a deadly virus, yep I can see where you're coming from."

"But we've invested so much into this," wailed Trinny, "All that thought, imagination and wotnot, and that it should come to this."

"It's still a dating app," noted Sandra. "People still want to meet and date so..."

"There are loads of dating apps," said Trinny. "We might as well be making... I dunno, potatoes."

"Seriously? Does Adrian think this too or does he have a few more extra features up his sleeve that no one else has? The VR thing is great, whether or not people can meet in person. Imagine dating someone from the other side of the world in a location neither of you have ever been to before."

"That's a bit far fetched," said Trinny.

"Got to start somewhere," said Sandra.

Trinny was still less than enthusiastic. Adrian wasn't around, anyway, she said, been called away for some friend in need she thought. Or possibly for a secretive interview with one of their competitors, she wouldn't put that past him. Rats fleeing the sinking ship.

"VR is the way of the future," said Sandra. "No doubt about it. You're already a pioneer so take control and decide where the future is heading."

Trinny was flattered, which of course was Sandra's intention, and soon she seemed to be back on track, deciding to scrap the press release about how their app would guide people out of lockdown into loving arms in favour of one about the power of the virtual. Sandra smiled at this new found enthusiasm and stoked the fires as much as she could, even arguing for a new Kickstarter initiative to raise capital to take the brand further. People would always be apart, and they could always bring them together.

Satisfied, Sandra signed off and returned to her own visualisation of the VR press conference. What she needed, she decided, was a better understanding of what could be achieved, of how interaction could work and what people felt when then we're in the VR world.

So she assembled the cardboard viewfinder holder, inserted her mobile phone and dialled up the correct part of the app. She entered Adrian's virtual world and disappeared down a rabbit hole.
