It's Going Down – Bentley 43


[For back story go here: Story so far at 30 Nov 2020 and definitely this one.]

[Relevant back story also in embedded links.]

0530: Sheila said it was ‘a go’. Bentley was somewhat annoyed by the hour of the call but Lucky the cat was at least happy to see her owner up and about so early and ready and willing to give her some food.  Bentley guessed it was going to be like this. Early morning subterfuge, no explanation or apology, just the phrase and one massive squawk over his mobile phone. And what was ‘a go’ anyway. Surely she just meant it was happening? Anyway, never mind setting an alarm. No point when you were at Sheila’s beck and call.

0700: Bentley, surrounded now by his notes, timetables and already bleary eyed watching the realtime train timetables and journeys tick by, paused to make himself a third cup of coffee. He realised this was a mistake at his age, but there was nothing else for it. He needed something to keep himself going and there were times when lemon and ginger tea simply didn’t make the cut. While he was boiling the kettle Norman squawked loudly that the ring had left left ‘base camp’ and was now en route to the station. The day was cold and dry but threatening to rain. All systems, Norman and Shiela finally agreed were go.

Bentley thought this was all mightily over the top, and considerably risky given the state of lockdown at the moment, but then since he didn’t have a clue what was actually happening, aside from a convoluted transportation of a ring, he went along with it.

0730: Bentley squawked at Sheila and Norman to say the train selected appeared to be running according to schedule. Well, it was five minutes late, actually, but according to their schedule as detailed on the spreadsheet printed off yesterday, it would still work.

0735: Bentley lifted his phone and texted Jeremy Knowles.

– It’s going down, read his text. – No idea what it is but it’s going. Down. Or it’s ‘a go’ if you prefer.

He received no answer from Knowles.

0758: Bentley received a text from Natalie. This threw him into some confusion, what with the not hearing from her for a while coupled with the ‘are you actually related to me or who the hell are you anyway' issue.

– Just wondering how you are, read the text – Give me a shout when you can if you want to talk. About anything. Anything at all.

Bentley was uncertain what to text back, if anything. In any case his phone was now ringing so he answered it.

0812: “You got family, Jeremy?” asked Bentley, breaking out of the circular conversation he and Jeremy Knowles had engaged in so far concerning what was going on with Shiela, Norman and the ring. “You know, kids?”

“Honestly?” said Knowles. “Dunno. Might have. If you know what I mean. Couple came out the woodwork a few years ago but I told them I didn’t think so and they went away. Freeloaders. Not kids.”

“You’re sure?” asked Bentley. “What made you so sure?”

“Stories never added up,” said Knowles. “And there wasn’t anything in it for me.”

“That’s how you treat business partners, not family,” observed Bentley.

“Uh-uh,” said Knowles. “Business partners get way worse treatment. Actually not sure I’ve ever had one of them either.”

“Really?” said Bentley with surprise. “Thought you were in with Jaggers and Aston?”

“Jaggers? Don’t make me laugh. And Aston’s a loser. No better than his son – what’s his name? Anyway, believe me its better to assume they’re nothing to do with you and get on with it.”

“So how are you gonna treat me?” asked Bentley. “Family or partner. Neither sound great. You’ve kind of given the game away haven’t you? Certainly not filled me with confidence.”

“We’re one of a kind, Bentley,” said Knowles, smoothly. “You scratch my back...  and you know where to scratch it too.”

0825: Bentley sent a text back to Natalie. 

– Who are you? It read.

– Natalie. Your granddaughter. Thought you had my number?

– I may well do, he texted back.

0830: Norman squawked that 'contact two' was not in place. After a scurry of squawks between Sheila and Norman they decided to ‘can’ the whole thing for the day which Bentley rightly assumed meant whatever was on was now off. He started to pack away his paperwork again.

0840: Bentley called Jeremy and told him it was all off. “Contact two wasn’t in place,” he told Knowles. “Could have been 'cos of Covid.”

“Or the weather,” said Knowles.

“If you say so,” said Bentley.

0845: Bentley remembered finally to make sure Lucky’s bowl had fresh water in it. Lucky thanked him with a mewl.

0847: Bentley squawked Shiela.

– Knowles very interested in project.

– Interesting…. 

Shiela squawked back.
