The Key Too – Bentley 47

[For back story go here: Story so far at 30 Nov 2020 and definitely this one.]

[Relevant back story also in embedded links.]

Bentley was besides himself. This had gone better than he could have imagined. If ever there was a time when he wanted to prove he wasn't passed it, that he couldn't be taken for a ride or taken advantage of it was now. Now he had real power. He was somewhat amazed by how it had happened, especially after such an inauspicious start.

Shiela's team mobilised at 7.30 in the morning. The trains appeared to be working fine and all was running smoothly. From what Bentley could gather Norman was the traveller, packed off with the ring and some bizarre back story to confused anyone with should they ask. This he relayed to Jeremy Knowles who said he'd be waiting for further updates although he also added he had his own 'people' following everything as well.

Bentley relayed this back to Shiela who seemed interested but unimpressed by Knowles' response. Bentley almost relayed this back to Knowles but then decided enough was enough. He literally didn't know whose side he was on and frankly carrying on in this way would do nothing but waste time.

Norman squawked his position every now and then. Bentley advised on which train from which platform he should be heading for an all was going swimmingly. 

By midday Norman was squawking from somewhere north of Birmingham and everyone seemed in good spirits. Jeremy Knowles was also in good spirits although he wasn't going to let on to anyone. Bentley simply interpreted the gruff sounding texts as demonstrating this, deciding Knowles could be worse than this if he was actually annoyed.

– Nice day for it. Sun shining.

Squawked Norman, only to be swiftly told off by Shiela.

– You’d not there to admire the view.

She squawked.

By afternoon Norman reported he'd reached the outskirts of York. Now he needed to take a couple more intricate journeys in order to get to wherever he was getting. He also needed final written - or squawked - directions, as security standards meant he had not been told where he should go prior to actually being in a position to get there.

Wherever and however he was directed, Bentley let Knowles know. Knowles acknowledged this along with the occasional snide comment. Eventually, having caught a bus, walked half a mile and perhaps got lost even though no one was letting on, Norman arrived at what had to be his destination.

– Switching to video. 

Squawked Norman.

In the corner of Bentley's computer screen, powered by yet another secure app, a fuzzy image of a jewellery shop front room appeared. The shutters were down, the electric lights were on. It was fuzzy but visible. It appeared to be a feed from security camera, placed somewhere high, looking down on the front desk.

There was a figure opposite Norman. The shop keeper or jeweller or whoever, Bentley was unsure. Norman fished around in what looked a plastic shopping bag and finally produced a small box which would have the ring in it, Bentley thought. Norman put the box on the counter. There was a pause.

The two seemed to be in some kind of conversation but unfortunately there was no sound so Bentley couldn't even guess at what was being said. 

– Closer please.

Squawked Shiela.

By some remote mechanism or other the camera zoned in on the pair at the counter. Bentley wasn't certain but felt he knew the shop keeper. Certainly his build and features were kind of familiar. Whatever, the keeper inspected the ring and then went into the back room for a couple of minutes. He brought a bigger looking jewellery box and a mobile phone. There was a clunk and squeak from Bentley's phone signally that someone new had joined the conversation.

Bentley screwed up his eyes and stared at the shop keeper. He had seen him before. He was the bloke who'd abducted him from the pub way back in July.

Flint had found being a ‘heavy’ to be a varied job over the past three years. Different tasks were set for you, some easy, some hard, some legal and some… not so. You never knew who would pay you to do something next. And sometimes you found yourself switching sides at the drop of a wad of cash.

Right now, however, something was standing in the way of the wad of cash Flint had been promised. He and Norman carefully inspected the new, bigger box.

– They'll need a key, texted Jeremy Knowles suddenly from Bentley knew not where.

– We need a key.

Squawked Norman.

– We need a key.

Squawked Flint.

– What key is that?

Squawked Shiela.

– but I don't know where it is. Texted Jeremy Knowles to Bentley.

And Bentley smiled.
