Be Prepared – Wayne 29


[For back story go here: Story so far at 17 Sept 2020.]

[Back story also found through in-links.]

“We could go on holiday somewhere?” said Wayne, passing two burgers across to a customer and taking the money. The customer said thanks and asked if they could take a selfie with Wayne too. Wayne said it would cost extra in a cheeky sort of way and was half surprised when the customer seriously asked how much. The picture was taken with no further transaction.

“Where to?” said Dave at the grill. “I know you’re successful but you’re not a Kardashian, right?”

“Bit below the belt,” smiled Wayne. “Think of somewhere.”

“We can’t go anywhere,” observed Dave. “That’s what being locked down means.”

“But given the choice where would you like to be locked down?” persisted Wayne. “We’ve got tomorrow, we can get somewhere.”

“Bit useless though,” said Dave. “We go somewhere we need to work out food, work out travel you name it.”

“I can ask Cath for suggestions. Get her to organise it.”

“You can ask her to go with you. I’m staying here. Well, not here here but in my flat.”

Wayne was fine with this and didn't really expect anything else. There was, as always, a great deal of uncertainty about the forthcoming lockdown. When and how it would terminate was unknown and quite how this lockdown would interact with the various measures in place across Wales and Scotland was anyone's guess. There was the potential for travelling around according to where was good, practical and least closed down, but that felt a bit like a whack-a-mole approach to living and it bode no good for relaxation.

"I think a nice time in your flat would be fine," said Wayne. "Assuming I'm invited."

"I'm pretty certain that could be arranged," said Dave. “We could make our two flats one household – which they kind of are apart from the stairs outside and only you use those – do you think that'll work?"

"Don't know, need to check," said Wayne. “I’ll run it past the government.”

"Run it past Cath," advised Dave, “She’ll know better.

The next customer looked up from under a baseball hat. It was Cassie.

"So, what's good from here today? Any special offers?"

Wayne grinned at her. “Sure we can make something special for you. What’s your poison?”

Arming herself with a mushroom and mozzarella burger Cassie loitered to one side of the van despite the queue meaning that she wouldn’t get much chance to talk to Wayne for a while. She didn’t seem to mind, however, enjoying the food and the autumnal sunshine, the light and the atmosphere. Finally the queue subsided enough for conversation.

“So how did you come by this pitch then?” she asked.

“It’s all a question of who you know and what you ask them,” said Wayne.

“It’s a great location – and over there is the park bench where we met,” Cassie noted. “Got anything for the ducks?”

“Oh, don’t get me started on them,” said Wayne.

Checking with Dave he left the van and wandered with Cassie.

“Guess we won’t be able to do this for a while,” said Wayne.

“No, we will,” said Cassie. “You’re meeting with one other person outside. That’s still allowed, at least I thought it was.”

“Yeah, you might be right,” said Wayne. “I think me and Dave are planning to just get holed up for this one. Take time out and hang out and so on.”

As the wandering progressed Cassie’s line of conversation seemed to become more particular. She wanted to know whether Wayne would be working on the album, how this might happen, when he thought the tracks might be ready, and of course, whether she might be able to help out.

“We can trade sounds files and everything,” she said.

Wayne didn’t really want to commit to anything at this point. The next week, let the ones after that, was uncertain and anything he tried to arrange now may have to be rearranged swiftly. Clearly frustrated by the lack of promises Cassie took a more direct route.

“Look,” she said. “The next few weeks are going to be hard, and I’d say they’re going to be harder for me than you. I’m just after a bit of – support I guess.”

“We can Skype,” said Wayne lightly. “Zoom, Facetime, whatever.”

“Yes, but…” Cassie sighed. “I’m sorry to be blunt but I need something more. And I could do with some financial support. Who knows how long this is going to go on for and I don’t know when I’m going to work again and…”

She paused, possibly for maximum impact. “I thought we were going to work together and then maybe that would be enough, but if it’s not going to happen…”

“I’m not saying it won’t,” said Wayne. “I just…”

Cassie handed him a piece of paper. “These are my bank details. I didn’t want to have to ask you directly. But, there you go. And here I go. Up to you. But call me. Please.”

And with that, she wandered some more. Away from Wayne now, around the ducks and out of the park.
