Over the Points – Bentley 31


[For back story go here: Story so far at 17 Sept 2020 and mainly this one.]

[Relevant back story also in embedded links.]

In the end they sought refuge outside the waiting room. There was a bench and not many people around and, between the two of them, Natalie and Bentley managed to argue that this location was at once the least dangerous and the most advantageous for taking stock of the situation. 

Bentley was by now wishing he was pretty much anywhere else but here, however he was still desperate to find his old contact and to move his search forward. Natalie was straight forward tired, having been reiterating the same few phrases over and over again in order to try and get Bentley to focus on the task in hand and what exactly he wanted to do next. 

Fred Thimble was definitely not in any signal box, and in any case locating a signal box, let alone gaining access to it seemed very much off the cards. The staff who they could find were pleasant and friendly enough, but there were limits, and of course even more limits right now. Added to which Bentley’s own nerves made it difficult for him to pursue any line of questioning for any extended period of time before he became too anxious to proceed.

Unsurprisingly their options for investigation were limited. The ticket office was open but not very useful for historical employee enquiries. A few cafes offered coffee but little else. Bentley and Natalie felt exactly what they were – in the wrong place at the wrong time.

“Stuff it,” said Bentley eventually. “Let’s go and look at the museum.”

“It’s closed,” said Natalie. “You know that, right?”

“I said look at it, not go in it,” said Bentley, getting up.

The two navigated the station as best they could to head for the museum building. It was an interesting walk and they paused a few times to watch different trains pull in and head out. Bentley muttered critically about the timing of some of them, even suggesting someone’s whistleblowing was a little over-enthusiastic and previous at one point. Nevertheless he pulled himself back from actually going and giving him a piece of his mind.

The museum stood empty of people but impressive nonetheless and they stood outside the front door because there really was nothing else to do. Bentley advised it might be more impressive to go round one of the sides so they set off on a meander to try and see at least something. 

“We should go,” said Natalie. “I know there’s only the two of us but really what are we doing here?”

“Taking exercise,” said Bentley shortly.

Just when the fencing and walls seemed to block their path Bentley found a side door to the building. It was an ordinary door, with an intercom doorbell and a letterbox. Bentley claimed it was the staff entrance, although Natalie was skeptical about this. Bentley didn’t care anymore. He rang the buzzer. 

Nothing happened, so he rang again.

“Granddad…” said Natalie.

Bentley shrugged and they started to walk away. Thankfully they were still in earshot when the intercom sparked into life and a distorted voice said “Yes? Who’s that?”

Bentley went back to the door. “I’m looking for someone,” said Bentley.

“There’s no one here,” said the voice.

“So who are you?” said Bentley.

“Not allowed to say. Regulations and that. Not meant to have anything to do with anyone.”

“So why did you answer?” asked Bentley.

“Cos you rang.”

“We’re looking for someone,” said Natalie, hoping to get things a little on track.

“Oh yes?”

“Fred Thimble,” said Bentley. “Worked on the station years ago, wondered if he was still around?”

“Fred who?” said the voice.

“Thimble,” repeated Bentley. “Like the thing you…. Like a thimble.”

“Not heard of him,” said the voice. “But we get loads of people in and out of here. Enthusiasts, volunteers, specialists, you name it. Just don’t know if your Fred was one of those.”

“Can you ask?” asked Bentley.

“Ask who?”

“Anyone,” said Bentley. “Anyone who might have heard of him.”

“There’s no one here now…”

“I know that but…”

“Write your name and number on something and stick it through the letterbox,” said the voice. “I’ll see what I can do.”

Bentley did so, although the voice said they’d pick it up later as they weren’t anywhere near that door at the moment. 

Puzzled, but at least feeling something had been done, Bentley and Natalie headed back to the car and drove home to Bentley’s flat.

It was only minutes after Bentley entered his flat that someone claiming to be Fred Thimble called his mobile. The call came in seconds after Bentley realised his cat was not here.
