Dash Away – Jenny 37

[For back story go here: Story so far at 30 Nov 2020 and this one.]

[For other back story click in-links]

It was Christmas Eve. Finally. Jenny had to keep reminding herself of that. This was (sort of) the most magical time of the year, when they’d finally prepare their home to amaze the kids and send them to bed dreaming of the magic that would await them in the morning. Naturally the magic and the preparations had changed over the years, and this was absolutely nothing like years before, but there was still something wonderful about the atmosphere. Anticipation, yes, but also the winding down, the relaxation. That was still there at least. That and the Christmas chocolate biscuits.

“Take one only,” warned Jenny, offering the box to Peter.

“Has Helen already taken the circular ones?” moaned Peter, tongue in cheek. “She usually does.”

“On this occasion I think you’ll find Izzy is destination of the round variety.”

“OK,” said Peter. “She takes the biscuit sometimes.”

Peter’s phone chimed as a message arrived and the doorbell rang almost simultaneously. Izzy called out that she’d get it and Jenny took the biscuits back into the kitchen, wondering if she should hide them away to extend their life over the next few days.

She was halfway through unpacking some more snack provisions when Izzy came into the kitchen looking worried and searching for her bag and keys.

“I have to, erm, go out,” she said.

“What?” said Jenny. “Out? Where?”

“It’s a kind of work thing. There’s a problem, a thing, I – I don’t think it will take long. Just need to answer some questions, that’s all.”

Izzy barely stopped moving so Jenny found herself chasing around after her as she moved through the house.

“Izzy,” she said. ‘What kind of work thing suddenly kicks off on Christmas Eve? It’s a holiday, isn’t it? There’s no one in the office – or shouldn’t be anyone in the office and no one on site doing any work so…”

As she followed her into the hall she caught site of who was at the door. Linus was standing there in a dark coat, masked and looking very serious. At a suitable distance were another two men, neither of whom she knew. 

“Who are they?” she asked Izzy.

“It’s OK,” said Izzy, now ready to leave. “I just have to answer some questions and then we’ll be fine.”

“Questions about what?” said Jenny, insistent, and then she turned to the people at the door. “Questions about what?”

Rather than have the visitors give an explanation Izzy intervened. “There's some kind of mix up with the financial records at work,” she said. “They need me to go and explain what’s happened. It won’t take long, honestly.”

She smiled and left the house, closing the front door behind her. But Jenny went after the door and opened it again, watching the three walk away up the garden path.

“What have you done Izzy?” said Jenny as they went. “What have you done?”

Izzy didn’t turn around. 

Jenny closed the door, her mind hurtling through the possibilities at break neck speed. Sure things had been complicated and new and different at work and there were new ideas and structures and schemes to get your head around, but Izzy was good at understanding and implementing these things. She was always up to speed and ready for anything. And then she thought about the bike, the presents, the enthusiastic attitude towards spending at this time of year and her heart started to sink. She did not like where her thoughts were going.

Helen came to her, asking what was going on.

“Your mum’s just had to deal with something at work,” said Jenny diplomatically. “I don’t know exactly what it is or anything, but, she’s gone for now. She’ll be back later.”

“Is it serious?” 

“I’ll say it is,” said Peter on the stairs. Jenny looked up, and from the smile of Peter’s face she knew he wasn’t talking about anything to do with Izzy’s actions. Peter waved his mobile phone in their direction as he came down the stairs.

“If there’s anything in the house that bubbles I suggest we open it,” he said. “You’re looking at a married man – OK, an engaged to be married man.”

Jenny and Helen just stared at him.

“What’s up? I can get engaged can’t I? Especially if the girl in question wants to get married to me. And I think it’s a pretty good idea, don’t you? We want to get married this year. After my birthday. When I’m old enough. When we can. Something to look forward to.”

Jenny’s head span. “Please just tell me it's Jude you want to marry?” she said.
