Right to Reply – Wayne 38

[For back story go here: Story so far at 30 Nov 2020 and this one.]

[Other back story through in-links.]

On the one hand he could just not say anything. Time had already passed and the new lockdown and events in America had wiped any other story straight off every website, broadsheet, tabloid and newsletter in the world. Who actually cared about what ManzDown’s mother thought of him and his career? What did anyone care about how he lived his life, what decisions he made and whether or not he was called Wayne? Or if he liked the name?

Dave was adamant that it was water under the bridge and on no account should he go stirring things up and try to get back at anyone, especially not through the pages of another newspaper or the gossip column of a pop oriented website. Dave even steered him away from the Twitter and IG account, arguing that without anything to work with everything Cassie had said would wither and die. Couple of weeks and no one would remember a word.

But then but then but then...

Someone had offered him the chance to reply. It had come through Cath and it was bigger and better than a write up or heart to heart interview. An independent film company wanted to do a biography of him. Might be televised, might go on general release or around a few select art house cinemas.

Either way this would be class but then but then but then the whole thing had to hang around his relationship with his family.

“It’s part of the pitch,” said MacCabe, the would-be director. “We need the family angle because of the series angle.”

“Series?” said Wayne.

“Sure, we do you successfully then we get to line up another two.”


“Well, all to be decided but I’m after Paul Weller and Sheena Easton.”

Wayne was a little dumbstruck.

“I know,” said MacCabe. “Awesome, right?”

“They’re... a bit different,” said Wayne. “Have you got them?”

“Not yet but I’ve got a friend who was Sheena Easton’s drummer’s fixer back in the day. I’m just wondering if they’re both too old so I’ve got HRVY as back up.”

“You not tried Ed Sheeran?” asked Wayne, casually. “He’s pretty big on his childhood and family and stuff.”

“He’s not really my type,” said MacCabe. “No edge, you know. Vanilla. Doesn’t excite me.”

MacCabe continued to make Wayne’s day.

Cath had assured Wayne that MacCabe checked out but despite this Wayne found it hard to credit. Nevertheless he said he’d be interested in discussing it further if it looked like it might happen. But the family thing still niggled him.

There were plenty of outlets who would leap at the chase of carrying his side of the story. He could revisit the subject of his mum and justifiably take apart all her criticism, and do it logically and clinically and not at all out of spite. He’d come across as a sane, rational young man who knew what was what and that he’d been wronged. There would be a hefty fee included and Cath would also get editorial sign off on anything written.

Not only would he feel good about getting his side of the story out there, he’d feel good because of the clout it showed he had. Maybe a two, three page spread in the supplement magazine at the weekend and a nice splash over the front cover. Legitimate artist screaming from the newsstands.

“It would show that she’d won,” said Dave. 

“No, it would show that I’d won,” corrected Wayne. “Last word – and my own words.”

“She would be dictating what you did. She’s getting you to say that stuff and engage with her. It needs to be your agenda.”

It was only later, when Wayne was flicking through his back catalogue and discovering half-deserted song ideas that a way forward materialised. He took to the phone.

“So,” he said. “Collaboration – how about it?”

“You sure about this?” came the reply. “I mean, after everything that’s happened you want to do this? I mean of course I will, but are you sure you want to work with me?”

“In the first place, yes I am sure,” said Wayne. “In the second place I kind of feel this might be a return to my roots. Rediscovering stuff and getting back to basics maybe. I reckon we can do something interesting. And most of all, I love you man.”

“OK. But let’s get Cath draw up some kind of agreement and then we can get on with it, right?”

“Sure thing.”

And so ManzDown and Jezzy, formerly from BarnStormerz, started work together.
