Unexpectations – Serial Week/Dickens – Sandra 60


[For a quick guide go here: Quick guide.]

[Old back story is here: Story so far at 30 Nov 2020 and other Sandra episodes especially this one.]

[Other back story through in-links.]

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Freddie was playing happily on the floor with several lorries and cars. There was some sort of traffic jam going on, but most of the vehicles were singing a quiet lullaby-type song. Possibly to each other.

“I love to watch them play!” said Jackie Haversham, the next-door neighbour, sat in her habitual arm chair, mask on, watching Freddie’s activities avidly.

Sandra made Freddie another snack when Frankie arrived with Sukie back from a birthday party with another cul-de-sac kid. Despite her sugar high, Sukie still managed to sit down and play with Freddie, although it was only a matter of seconds before the lullaby turned into a song of defiance and Sukie snatched away the lorries that were her favourite colour causing a bit of a multiple vehicle pile-up among the others. Freddie had tears in his eyes, Sukie looked satisfied and so too, if Sandra thought about it, did Jackie.

However she elected to ignore this as Frankie appeared to be doing so as well.

“How was the party?” she asked.

“Boring for the main part,” said Frankie, “But I’m guessing it wasn’t pitched at me.”

Frankie was staring at her phone.

“Something up?” asked Sandra.

“Possibly,” said Frankie. “I’ve been receiving a number of texts from an international solicitor’s firm called Compeyson and Arthur. They say they have information relating to Rob, namely that my husband is not who he claims he is.”

“Oh?” said Sandra, intrigued. “And do they claim he is?”

“They’re not specific,” said Frankie. “Although they do say I can find out more by clicking on the link in their email.”

“Which of course, you have’t?”

“Which of course, being a naturally interested person with a reasonable knowledge of phishing schemes and backed with some degree of cyber protection, I have.”


“And Rob would appear to be a beneficiary of an international internet fraud outfit, who have so far taken fifty million pounds from unsuspecting innocent people around the world.”

Sandra spat her tea out in surprise. “For heaven’s sake, this must just be some kind of joke, or at least spam? Rob, your husband, is of good character and background through and through. I cannot - will not - believe ill of such a gentleman.”

“Sandra,” said Frankie. “It matters little precisely what we think or believe of Rob gentleman-wise. A background such as that suggested by Compeyson and Arthur can severely impair his passage in this world. He will not receive the same level of promotion, company car or flexible-working as other fellows of his sort, even if these allegations prove unfounded. It is the mere suggestion of mis-deeds that can lead to complications and knowing looks from certain parts of society, and this street.”

“You don’t believe this, do you?”

“It does not matter what I think,” asserted Frankie again. “The PTA will ostracise me if anyone receives the slightest hint of this report. And there shall be no more parties for the little ones down the cul-de-sac if my fellow parents get wind of this.”

Sandra eyed Frankie worriedly. And then she eyed Freddie and Susie. And then she eyed Jackie. Jackie’s eyes appeared to smiling slightly, although her features were mainly covered by the mask.

“Oh, but the children!” she whispered.

“What am I to do?” said Frankie, her voice going quiet and shrill. “I shall need to give up my home and my lifestyle. I shall not be able to advise anyone on interior furnishings if they believe me to be supported by such treacherous activities.”

“These Compeyson and Arthur fellows,” said Sandra. “Do you believe them to have some reputation among society? Are they to be believed by others or might they simply be in the game of extortion themselves?”

“They say they shall go away if I hand over the details of my bank account," said Frankie, "Which of course I shall not do. So they shall be believed. They have already posted other examples of their work, research and its consequential impact upon their website. They cite a poor fellow by the name of Magwitch who they claim was running his own business successfully from his bedroom until they came along and found his business to be funded through illicit actions. It does not bear thinking about,” shuddered Frankie. “I fear it may be too much for Jackie to take as well. It may well finish her off.”

“My dear there is but one thing for it then,” said Sandra. “Distance yourself from Rob as soon as you can and with as much space as you can.”

“That may be easier said than done,” observed Frankie, “for alas my fortune from making interior furnishing suggestions to other people has not delivered the kind of income required to support two small children and an impressively knocked through detached residential property such as this.

“I shall have to leave,” concluded Frankie. “I shall book our passage on a steamer for America and restart my life there.”

She sighed, philosophically. “It will be great,” she said. “I expect.”
